Low T, Testosterone Replacement Therapy, North Dallas

Dr. Martin McElya is your physician at the Neighborhood Medical Center in Dallas. His practice offers Testosterone Replacement Therapy, or TRT, to patients in North Dallas, Texas, including . Schedule an appointment if you have symptoms of low testosterone, including .

Dr. McElya also serves the communities of . Find out if TRT is right for you if you experience symptoms like . Low T can lead to .

Treat Low T (Low Testosterone)
Get TRT (Testosterone Replacement Therapy)

At LowT Partners, we assess and treat men with low testosterone, or Low T, to help them regain their vitality and get back to the “top of their game”. The amount of testosterone produced by the testes diminishes after age 30 and eventually can become low enough to cause symptoms, often referred to as “Low T symptoms”. These symptoms may include fatigue, reduced sex drive, depression, erectile dysfunction, decreased muscle and increased fat.

At LowT Partners, we are committed to the idea that guys with low testosterone do not have to settle for a life of fatigue. We can easily measure a person’s testosterone level with a simple blood test. The testosterone replacement therapy, or TRT, is generally in the form of a simple injection that takes just a moment to administer.

Let us help you put the passion and energy back in your life. Call today for an appointment to visit with one of our clinicians.